This is a reminder if you have a clean agent discharge that RemTec has a Platinum Recharge Services for Halon 1301, HFC-227ea, HFC-236fa, HFC-125 and Novec 1230. Our Green Team provides RemTec Quick Quotes within an hour of your request.
We can handle your leaking cylinder or discharge crisis and provide the quickest turnaround. Total service at all times of the day, coast to coast, wherever you need us, RemTec is here for you.
RemTec can also do emergency recharges and has a 24 hour turnaround program. We have over 2000 gently-used and refurbished system cylinders to reduce your customer’s down time. Each recharge is unique and special requests are not uncommon.
We also buy Halon 1301, Halon 1211, HFC-227ea, HFC-236fa, HFC-125 and Novec 1230.
RemTec is now on YouTube, visit us at Terri AuFrance, Jaclyn Schilkey and the Green Team for more
information and Quick Quotes.
**For Emergencies call Terri’s Cell Phone 419-466-6238**